Isn't it annoying when your boss is shorter than you???

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Potentially offensive post about bullying.Refrain from reading if easily offended. Note that initials used will be in inverted commas for their 1st appearance.

That title is quite a good way to raise the suspense.Why/What is there cyberbullying/up with cyberbullying?
(Initial rule still applies)
"V"is my classmate.He's fat,whines,is unreasonable and short. In short,he's like all of us:he has faults. Cos' , he has his good sides, but everyone only looks negatively on him.He has no facebook.
Thus,began the dweeb unleash. (I read the BOOK of DWEEB) "B", who biest thinkth himself a god,began posting hurtful remarks of V.Thou was in the dark.Thus began thy spam,flame and insults,like:
"!T":How do you spell lipids (fats) ?
"XZ":@-#-$-%-^-&(I won't reveal names,just know that was V's name he spelled)
!T:So smart!  *mock flattery*
1 particular post that said(words in brackets not included):Whoever hates V,pls (sic) comment and whoever wants him to get in trouble pls (sic) commentz (sic) !
Likes and comments from some like "KE", !T and the poster himself,"B", surfaced.
Today, "ZW" told V what happened. Imagine Kanetsugu using a BASARA art or a Magikarp using "Explosion" (both impossible). So if its impossible,why am I using these abstract examples?Cos' it did. Getting anrgy,V blew and told form teacher "MP" what happened,.Co-Form "MH" also came to know.He had backup from friends when reporting the *******. I know,I was 1 of them (the reporters) .And I was the only one who saw the result:MP holding a name list,talking to The Discipline Master.
In CI (Class Interaction), hell unleashed as DM came to drag the offenders out.As MP put it,this was a discipline case.Not a pleasant CI.Chances are,the offenders will get hell.
V's case is now known to the class and now, the offenders are punished, although how they were dealt with remains unknown.The posts have been removed.The bullying took only a Night but it had stirred up the class like a curse.

*the bolded text, should any fail to comprehend:"B", who had thought himself a god,began posting hurtful remarks of V who was kept in the dark of this.Therefore,people began to insult, flame and spam the aforementioned posts.

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