Isn't it annoying when your boss is shorter than you???

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Good Things Pass

What the title said.The holidays are almost over and there`s not much time before I go into P6 and enter in War with the dreaded PSLE.We`ve gotta unlearn and relearn in P6, but there`s not so much that`s new in P6 except the PSLE exams.
By the way, this blog would contain all my thoughts.I don`t really care if it hurts anyone (not much anyway) and I won`t hold back...much! As you know, some stuff are too scandalous and nasty for TV.Don`t worry because you won`t see that here.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The hoildays have begun and as usual I`ve been using the computer everyday.How nice.
But I still have to do work (assessment books, leave me alone!) so I`m stuck in play-and-work.Just like a normal school day.Next year`s PSLE and I`m gonna die.Seriously.I`ll be lucky to get 2 A*`s and 2 A`s.
Oh and I`m 15 kyu which is the average rank of a normal adult.