Isn't it annoying when your boss is shorter than you???

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chick(en) on the Tree

Chickens are fat.So one of the chicks, which has grown to 2 times fist-size,went for Chicken aerobics(CA)and jumped up a tree.A budgie was not happy and tried to shoo it off only to get pecked.But the chick must have gotten irritated since it actually jumped off after a minute.Not surprising since everyone was acting like fools in front of the chick.I guess that's how babies feel in front of their cooing parents, like,"What is wrong with these crazy people!I'm trying to savour my milk!

1 comment:

  1. lolz....
    At first it made no sense....
    Then u added in the baby part...
    THEN it started making sense =D
