Isn't it annoying when your boss is shorter than you???

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sand Block

First of all, no comments.
So, it was O.A.E (Outdoor Education Programme)and I will say it was fun.I had to go up with fat CH (initials) and he was dancing "Mr. Bean" up at the rope course and we were both shaking.There were two tightropes (1 for each person) and we had to hod onto the harness string and out teammate to get though.But Xiao Wen (I don't give a d@mn about some people) was being an obstruction and blocking the way.Worse, SY was holding onto the rope, not letting it slide, so we could not move up/down/left/right.But still, we made it.Yay!

I just came out of the Field when an @$$h0!3, Yuan Heng (don't give a d@mn again) threw a Sand Block at me.
Student:He hit me so I struck back!Self-defence, you know?
Teacher:You could have simply told us.
That's what you'd expect and well it was sort of like that."Choose to do the right thing", they say, but when a ***** hits you in the face and a Poof of sand is all over you you tend to take the violent option.
So me and N stopped the "war" after a while until a ***** , JL, decided to hit us.
The bottom line is that I have to spend my recess reading a book in the canteen instead of playing (not that I do) until I go for my duty (pretty much the best part of my recess, looks like I'm going to enjoy it further).
I forgot to tell Mdm Fu that I have to leave for rap rehersals so I have to go after eating.I'll explain tomorrow.