Isn't it annoying when your boss is shorter than you???

Friday, August 27, 2010


On Thursday we went to the Youth Olympic Games(YOG) for table tennis.It was South Korea VS China; China won by a landslide.Too bad I did`nt have time to watch the Closing ceremony on TV......

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Tuesday was terrible.Our Chinese lesson could`nt be worse.Why so much work?I am human, too!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


On Monday......
Things were in a mad rush.However, we found out about our trip to the Science centre! =)

Monday, August 23, 2010


My posts will be on Saturday, as mentioned yesterday.However, I am able to find time every once in a while.
Today was terrible.The amount of work is tremendous.Flag raising was not any better.Of all flags I had to do the School to get used to it.The flag almost got stuck on the ropes!
I will continue with the other stuff on Tuesday,Wednesday,Saturday or Sunday.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I won`t have much time(I`m typing quickly even as you read) so my posts will normally be on Saturday or Sunday.If I have time I can post a short sentence...

Internet Connection

My modem Gets worse and worse.What else could happen?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Worse blogging is an addiction.I just need to type SOMETHING...

What if I`m bored?

What if I`m bored?
I post even when I have nothing to post about.This is a fine example...I am so bored out of my pants beanbags that I am posting crap!!!

Oh and I commited sucide to my Twitter account.HARH!!!!WUT?[spits coke on computer]Yes you read that right.My twitter account is "dead".After all I only have 3 followers;I`m sure they wont mind.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I think this blog is like...ignored?Sounds both good and bad.Anyways I am glad my sister does not know this one...


Some things in life are not worth learning.Look at this:
9!X8!^-1 / (e^i^pi+1)=+ or - infinity
/ is divide ! is factorial and ^ is "to the power of" 
e  =2.718281828182818284590459045904590125......
WHY?anything divided by 0 is +or-infinity.                       e^i^pi+1=0

writing Frame-Personal Recount Diary

I don`t plan on doing that Singapore thing anytime soon(those in HGP, you know).Why waste time on that whatever diary thing?I have more important things to do.
Anyways, I do not plan on using this blog to do that ;only as a last resort will I turn to this place.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Notices and stuff

I might be busy the next few days.Therefore,I will not post everyday,but at FREQUENT INTERVALS.
Is`nt this blog GREAT TERRIBLE?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


For some reason MH only allows 1 hunt every 15 minutes.WWWWWHHHHHYYYYY!

Not everyone has that much time, you know?Hopefully no one stumbles on this blog.I don`t want to see random people on my blog all the time. (colours are for fun...felt like it.)

The first Post those who I sent this link to on my blog...congratulations!You just found the best...I mean, worst place in the internet.Here I post random stuff and crap(I`m being polite) and might ask stuff out of nowhere.If you are lucky you`ll learn something...